School notice:
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School notice:
Call now to book a visit – 01384 818 640
Science is in everything we do, so it is given high importance at Newfield Park Primary Academy. Children are taught Biology, Physics and Chemistry as discrete subjects, under the umbrella of Science. At Newfield, we aim to make science as practical and ‘hands on’ as possible, linking it to real life contexts, where appropriate and giving a purpose to the children’s learning. We try to make the most of our outdoor learning spaces as well as giving the children a broad and balanced approach in the classroom. At Newfield, we follow the National Curriculum Science KS1/2 and each year group covers a range of topics. Please see Science Overview in the Important Document Section below.
We also use the PLAN knowledge matrices to help support our planning.
Our EYFS follow the ‘Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage’.
At Newfield, we use ‘The Five Types of Enquiry’ to develop and secure the children’s working scientifically skills. These are displayed on working walls as well as on the children’s work. They are discussed and referred to throughout lessons.
Through high-quality science teaching, children at Newfield are given opportunities to:
Develop their knowledge and understanding of important scientific ideas, processes and skills and relate these to everyday experiences.
Acquire a curious and questioning mind.
Develop skills of observation and investigation.
Collect, retrieve, present and communicate their findings to others in a variety of ways.
We are thrilled to announce that we are now part of the Dudley Ogden Trust. The Ogden Trust focuses on the ‘Physics’ aspect of Science. We work closely with other local schools to celebrate Science. Every year, we hold a Science Fair for our KS2 children, where they create their own scientific question, undertake a range of investigations and record their results. Their findings are then shared with their peers and prizes awarded to the children based on scientific enquiry skills as well as effort.
Our Year five and six children are currently taking part in the Talking, Doing, Teaching Science study through the University of York. We look forward to receiving feedback at the end of the two year study.
As a school, we also take part in Science focus weeks; we learn about significant Scientists and undertake a range of investigations in more detail.
For example, during British Science Week, the whole school is a buzz of excitement when carrying out a range of themed investigations; the theme for 2024 is ‘Time’.
Every year, we welcome the Black Hole Mobile Planetarium into school: our Year three children enjoy learning about ‘Light’ and our Year five children are wowed while learning about ‘Earth in Space’.
At the start of every academic year, each class is asked to select a Science Ambassador. The Science Ambassador’s role is to attend meetings, with the Science lead, feedback their classes’ opinions, share news and ideas as well as helping to plan and organise events for Science weeks. Through the Ogden Trust, they also run lunchtime Science activity clubs. This entails supporting a small group of children to use and understand the activities linked to Physics.
There is an up-to-date Science Policy, which is available for parents to view, which has been created by the Science lead and approved by the school’s governors. A new version of this can be found below, but is awaiting approval by Governors. The Science action plan is amended and evaluated every term and shared with SLT (Senior Leadership Team). Resources are monitored and maintained regularly and staff are asked in advance, if they require any extra equipment. Staff receive support and guidance from the Science Lead to ensure they enhance the children’s learning further and know where to go if they require further CPD (Continued Professional Development).
Our next annual Science Fair is due to take place in the final Summer term of 2024.
British Science Week 8th – 17th March 2024 will take place in school and the theme is ‘Time’.
We will continue to work with the Dudley Ogden Trust.