School notice:
Call now to book a visit – 01384 818 640
School notice:
Call now to book a visit – 01384 818 640
Welcome to our Year 3 page!
If you have any questions for the Year 3 class teachers please send an email to the address found below and include which member of staff it is for as the subject.
If your child is unable to attend school for any reason, please find activity packs below.
In case you missed our Meet the Teacher evening in September, please click this link to view a copy of the presentation.
Throughout our units this year, we will have the opportunity to write and improve our work to create quality and well-planned pieces of writing. In addition, we will be working on how to use different types of sentences, openers, punctuation and vocabulary within our writing to create different effects, thinking carefully about the audience and purpose. We will learn and practise our spellings, using different strategies, as well as develop our handwriting joins.
Children will have the opportunity to read different text types during a range of different lessons. Please continue to listen to your child read on a regular basis and include any comments in their reading record books. Encouraging your child to discuss the book really helps to develop their understanding further.
Within our maths lessons, we will be working on developing and maintaining written and mental strategies for the four main operations. We will also develop our problem solving and reasoning skills involving place value, number sequences, fractions, money and rounding and estimating.
Alongside work based around numbers, we will also learn about properties of 2D and 3D shapes and how to interpret data from different types of graphs.
Further practice in TT RockStars is enormously helpful to children’s mathematical development. Please encourage children to practise frequently at home.
3T go swimming on Tuesday mornings until Christmas, then they have outdoor PE on Thursdays.
3GH have both indoor and outdoor PE on Thursday until Christmas.
Please ensure your child comes to school in PE kit on these days.
If possible, please do not send your child with earrings in on these days as they cannot take part in activities with them in.
Home learning will be set on a Friday. We will alternate weeks so one week will be Maths and the other English. Home learning books will need to be returned by the following Friday because we will mark this together in class; this will help us to discuss any challenges and misconceptions.
Reading books are issued on a Friday and they will also need to be returned by Wednesday to then be renewed for the following week. In the time where you don’t have book please read a book of your child’s choosing from home and this will also count towards yours reading certificate.
Reading records should be in school every day.
Times Table Rock Stars – Login details can be found in the front of your Maths homework book.
Spelling Shed – Login details can be found in the front of your English homework book.
Mathletics – Login details can be found in the front of your Maths homework book.
RM Unify – Login details are the same as children would use to access school computers.