School notice:
Call now to book a visit – 01384 818 640
School notice:
Call now to book a visit – 01384 818 640
Welcome to our Year 2 page! Your teachers this year are Mrs Harrison and Miss Raffan!
If you have any questions for the Year 2 class teachers please send an email to the address found below and include which member of staff it is for as the subject.
For a copy of the Meet the Teacher evening Powerpoint please click here.
Reading books will now be changed once per week on Fridays. You will take two banded books and a non-fiction book of choice home and will need to bring them into school every day.
Please ensure that you also bring your reading record into school each day.
*Reading rewards will be given for every 20 reads signed in your reading record!*
Our PE day is Wednesday for both indoor and outdoor.
Please remember to come to school wearing your PE kit on these days, ensuring that clothes are suitable for outdoor wear.
Children cannot wear earrings during PE (or plasters over earrings) so can these be taken out at home on PE days please.
Autumn 1. The Great Fire of London.
This half term our topic is History based and will be all about The Great Fire of London.
During our topic the children will learn how, when and why the fire started and look at the events that followed. They will also consider why the fire lasted so long and compare it with how events would be different today. The children will also consider how we know about the fire and look at different sources of evidence and consider their historical reliability. In addition to our History lessons, the children will also complete art work based on the topic, use their creative writing skills and look at the city of London, mapping the spread of the fire, using their Geography skills.
Autumn 2- Newfield Neighbours.
Our second topic this term will be Geography based and is called ‘Newfield Neighbours’.
This topic builds on the children’s learning in year 1 and will look in detail at different areas within Dudley that surround Halesowen. We will look at our where we live, learning our addresses and learning how to find where we live on different types of maps. The children will also learn about different human and physical features that are found within their surrounding environment. Part of out topic also looks at the journey of a letter and we will explore the different steps that a letter takes to get from post box to the address being sent.
Spring 1 Topic- Serekunda.
This half term we are continuing to work on our Geography skills looking at Serekunda, the largest town in The Gambia.
Newfield Park has a strong link with The Gambia and we are very lucky that Ms Harrison has been there several times and works hard to raise money and send goods and equipment to our partner school. Throughout the topic Ms Harrison will share her experiences with the children.
In this topic, the children will learn all about the physical and human geography of Serekunda. They will compare it with Halesowen and think about how lifestyle, climate and school are different and similar to their own experiences. They will consolidate map skills from our previous work and make their own simple maps.
Spring 2- World War II.
This half term our topic is World War 2.
The children will learn about how the war started, how life changed for people during the war and the impact of war. We will look at evacuees, rationing, the blitz, the role of woman and the life of a soldier.The children will look at a range of artefacts and sources of evidence and evaluate how useful they are in helping us to learn about the War. As well as learning through our History lessons, we will also complete many cross curricular activities including Art and DT where we will make tanks, sew and cook war time recipes.
Times table fun with Jack Hartman
Maths games and free maths activities.
Cosmic Kids Yoga – some lovely mindfulness and relaxation videos for children
GoNoodle – fun and interactive clips with lots of movement, but also breathing and relaxation techniques