Year 4

Year 4 Astley Burf Meeting

Uploaded by Y5 2024 on 2024-04-12.

Welcome to Year 4

We hope that you have had a lovely summer! 


We are so excited for this new year and can't wait to get to know you all! 

Year Four teachers are:

4S- Mrs. Saunders

4OR- Mrs. Oliver and Mrs. Roper

(Mrs Oliver is in school on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Roper on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.)

With support from: Mrs. Hadley and Mrs. Cox


Contact us

Here is the Year 4 email address for you to contact the Year 4 teachers. Please put in your child's name in the subject box to help us access your message.



4S and 4OR

Thursday - Outdoor and Indoor PE

On Thursday afternoons, both classes will have P.E. This will consist of two sessions; one will be outdoor and one will be indoor. Please ensure they are dressed appropriately for both lessons.

Children are able to come to school  with their PE kit on. Any long hair must be tied back and earrings must be removed. 



Library Books and Reading Records

Please make sure that books and Reading Records are in school every day. 

New books will be issued each week, if you have finished reading your book and returned it.

Each time you read, log the reading with a short note next to the date. This will count towards your certificates! Which class will be on the top of the Reading points chart at half term? 

Classroom Resources

These are links to free resources that we use in the classroom daily. They're all fun things that will help you learn new stuff and practise what you already know! 


Times Table Rock StarsWe all know and love TT RockStars! Keep improving your scores! 

Mathletics Access practice activities and videos for the whole maths curriculum. 

GoNoodleFun keep-fit dance routines and chants that we do on wet PE days. 

Cosmic KidsVideo-led yoga sessions. Lovely and relaxing! 

Supermovers Times table songs and practice. 

BBC Teach - A wonderful wealth of videos and educational material available for free.