Year 5

Charcoal help

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Year 5 Astley Burf meeting

Uploaded by Y5 2024 on 2024-04-10.


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Welcome to Year Five

Your teachers are:

Mr Cochrane (5C) and Mr Roddison (5R)

We also have two teaching assistants working in our year group this year:

Miss Darby and Miss Carr


Contact Details

If you have any questions for the Year 5 class teachers please send an email to the address found below and include which member of staff it is for as the subject.



Home Learning & Reading

English and maths home learning is set on Friday and both books should go home with the children. These then need to be returned the following Friday. Homework club will run every Tuesday on a lunch time. Children should be reading daily and have their reading record in school at all times. Children can earn reading certificates for lots of effort in their reading, so please write in their reading records as often as possible! Children should also have access to TTRS to practise times tables. Contact us if you need a login. 



Indoor and outdoor PE will take place on Monday afternoons beginning on Monday 11th September. 


Please ensure your child comes to school in PE kit on this day with appropriate clothing for both indoor and outdoor sessions. 


*If possible, please try not to send your child with earrings in on these days as they cannot take part in activities with them in.*

Meet the Teacher PPT

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Carding Mill Valley

Our visit to Carding Mill Valley is coming up soon! For more information, please see the letter sent out to parents. If you need another copy, click here.


River Facts